Apache vhosts and Redirecting#

2016-08-03 apache webdev

When using Apache’s virtual hosts for the first time it can be easy (at least for me) to make mistake(s) trying to get it a very specific way. For me that specific way was as follows:

  • Have a main host that lives on a subdomain (this site BTW) that only accepts https.

  • By default, anything else redirects to the main site…

  • Except for other virtual hosts

This might seem simple if you a little bit about virtual hosts, which I thought I did before setting this site up. However, the problem I had today was that I kept either getting forbidden responses or redirected to another other virtual host (Not the one I wanted). Below is the gist of my working 000-default.conf` as of writing:

 1<VirtualHost *:80>
 2    ServerAdmin subdomain@domain.tld
 4    # Logging
 5    # Rename these if you have or own scheme or remove them to log to the default files
 6    LogLevel warn
 7    ErrorLog    ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/default_redirect_error.log
 8    CustomLog   ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/default_redirect_access.log combined
10    # Redirect to https://subdomain.domain.tld/
11    RewriteEngine on
12    RewriteRule "^/?(.*)"      "https://subdomain.domain.tld/$1" [L,R,NE]
16<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
17<VirtualHost *:443>
18    ServerAdmin subdomain@domain.tld
20    # Logging
21    # Rename these if you have or own scheme or remove them to log to the default files
22    LogLevel warn
23    ErrorLog    ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/default_redirect_error.log
24    CustomLog   ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/default_redirect_access.log combined
26    # SSL Stuff Goes here
27    # I'm not completely sure this entire virtual host is necessary, but I decided to leave it
29    # Redirect to https://subdomain.domain.tld/
30    RewriteEngine on
31    RewriteRule "^/?(.*)"      "https://subdomain.domain.tld/$1" [L,R,NE]

I was having problems at first because I wasn’t even using 000-default.conf as a name, just the domain name. If Apache is configured to use sites-available and sites-enabled it loads them alphabetically (I guess?). Any way the first virtual host on the first config file loaded is the “default” one.

I was still having problems though, and even though I left directives like <DocumentRoot "/var/www/..."> and <ServerAlias domain.tld> in there what finally fixed redirecting from the root domain to the subdomain was changing <VirtualHost *:*> to <VirtualHost *:80>.

This was throwing me off because the line is on the Apache website but doesn’t produce the result I thought it would: catching everything that was not port 443 or the other virtual hosts. This is made clear if you run apachectl -S, which prints the current configuration, and is great for debugging the virtual hosts because it lists them in order of precedence.